Page 19 - Welcome to Living Luxe Magazine
P. 19

see how fast those eagles will come in.’ Within 15 seconds this eagle came
                                                                  flying down. It came in so fast, and it was so big — I almost didn’t have
                                                                  enough space to get the shot.” (See this magnificent image on the opening
                                                                        Another challenge with wildlife photography can be the fleeting nature
                                                                  of the subjects. For instance, when Castroverde traveled to the Falkland
                                                                  Islands off the coast of South America to photograph penguins, he felt
                                                                  saddened that many of the gentoo penguin chicks would not survive to full
                                                                        “One of the tough parts about photographing wildlife is predation,”
                                                                  Castroverde confesses. “Only a very small percentage of these chicks will
                                                                  make it to adulthood because of predator birds. You want to protect them,
                                                                  but it’s nature — you can’t do anything about it.”
                                                                        Wildlife photography also requires a love of adventure. Castroverde
                                                                  recalls a time when he snapped a Steller’s sea eagle while on a boat
                                                                  jammed into the pack ice on the frozen sea in Hokkaido, Japan. He
                                                                  climbed onto the boat’s second story to achieve a remarkable vantage
                                                                        “I get to explore interesting places,” he says. “Sometimes you’re going
                                                                  places the typical person doesn’t dare venture to.”

                                                                  Patience Makes Perfect
                                                                        For aspiring wildlife photographers, Castroverde first recommends
                                                                  getting a quality camera, as the point-and-shoot variety won’t work well
                                        Northern Crested Caracara
                                                                  on moving subjects in less-than-optimal conditions. “It’s not like a portrait
                                                                  studio where the environment is controlled,” he cautions.

                                                                                                                  Tricolored Heron

              The White House Christmas tree arrives by carriage.
              Photo by Kathryn DiFrancesco.

                                                                                              SPRING 2019  /  LUXEPUB.COM   •   17
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